第一次感觉到那云离自己这么近。 灰蒙蒙的天空中,乳白色的,深灰色的云像一张大纱帐从天上撒下来,垂直的,有层次的,一朵一朵的云朵又像是哪一位水粉画家用粗粗的大笔饱蘸着灰色的墨汁在天空中随意涂成的一个一个圆圈。不一样的地方,是这一幅画似乎是刚刚画好,每一个云朵都还在透着润润的水气,仿佛就挂在眼前唾手可以触摸到的地方。
寒冷的风在大海深处迎面吹着, 虽然已经进入夏季很久了, 身上还是要披挂整齐, 即使穿着厚厚的羽绒服, 在这样的风里,也觉得有些单薄。 我随着波浪在海面上漂,凝望着眼前的云,感受着吹在脸上的冷风。
这一刻,我消失在了那一片云里。 我与那海鸥和白头鹰为伴,揭开重重的云雾,去探寻那云层后面的天空。 一层一层的纱幔从天空中直直地垂向海面,这纱幔越来越多,越来越厚,海面上终于下起了雨,我穿行在那云和雨之间,让每一滴雨都把脑海中的记忆洗去,让每一朵云都在天空中搭建一个可以露营的帐篷。
At This Moment, I am Free
The heavy grey clouds have never been so close, as if they are right at my finger tips. Despite it’s already Summer, the wind deep in the ocean is so cold that even with heavy winter jacket on, I still feel freezing.
This part of the sky is now filled with layers of clouds, grey in different shades, in different shape. In fact, they are almost like freshly completed paintings hanging right in front of me, with drops of the paint still dripping.
Deep in the ocean, the rain finally came. I took a deep breath, facing the strong cold wind with the flying raindrops. At this very moment, I am free.
I am free with every wave, traveling with groups of humpback whales and dorphins, from Canada to Hawaii, from New Zealand to the North Pole. The wind washed off all the memory in my mind, opening up the whole Pacific Ocean to explore.
I am free with the strong wind, blowing up both the eagles, the seagulls and me. Off we fly to the universe, where time is finally nothing to worry.
I am free with the huddles of the grey cloud. When they are being spread out, a tent is built for me to take a break.
At this moment I am free. I am free just like a piece of cloud, a blow of wind, or a drop of rain.
---- to the Pacific west coast of British Columbia