鹭岛酒庄发双语声明 称葡萄酒进口中国业务合法



鹭岛酒庄发双语声明 称葡萄酒进口中国业务合法




  该声明末段说,张忠楠2001年开创酒庄事业,创业过程经历所有新移民及创业的辛苦,"但这一切也在他不畏艰辛、虚心学习、重本求质,赢得加拿大同业的信赖" 。张忠楠除营销加拿大葡萄酒至中国,更由中国购置酒庄及葡萄园所需物品以促进加中经贸,称张忠楠「对促进中加的经贸及加国观光事业上有卓越的贡献」

  以下英文稿件,节选来自本地社区报Richmond News

  Lulu Island Winery stated Chang and the company are "cooperating fully" with customs authorities in China.

  “Lulu Island believes all of its wine imports to China have been done in full compliance with all application laws, rules and regulations. We understand Customs authorities in China has recently conducted investigations regarding the foreign imported wine from a number of countries including Canada,” stated a company spokesperson.

  According to translated reports, customs officials claim Chang was declaring bottles of wine for 10 Yuan, or about $2, whereas the actual worth was closer to $50 and above.

  Customs officials allege Chang falsified import documents, according to a translated news release from Shanghai’s customs agency, posted on Shanghai-based news outlet XinMin.com.

  Contrary to the company’s statement, officials claim Chang confessed to the alleged crime.

  The company did not indicate one way or another whether Chang is in custody at the moment, although reports indicate he was arrested.

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