据Daily Hive报道,一名西捷航空的乘客称,她遭受了该航空公司机组人员不公平对待,导致她患上恐慌症。
美国亚裔女演员Charlet Chung在最近从温尼伯返回洛杉矶的航班上记录了这一事件。她周末在TikTok上分享的视频在网上疯传,累计浏览量超过400万次。
Chung说她当时的回应是:“Excuse me? 你刚才是叫我滚蛋吗?”这引起了一名空乘人员的注意。
这位演员说,当时这位空乘人员的出现让她松了一口气,因为她可以向她求助。Chung 向机组人员解释了当时的情况,但她身后的乘客否认说脏话或踢她的座位。
@chihyechung See my full statement and account on my next post. This is @WestJet flight attendant Tricia. She and her crew threatened to offload and arrest me 3 times from the plane after I was cursed at by another passenger. What ensues for the next 4.5 hours was me being forced to move seats, then being isolated and harassed for the entire duration of this horrific flight. In almost 200 flights I’ve taken in the past 8 years, this Westjet crew and 2 passengers put me through the most distressing, dehumanizing experience I’ve ever had on a plane. This is the only footage I had because I was in fear. During the most aggressive moments, like when they were literally yelling at me, I was in shock and was too scared to film. What happened: During boarding, the man you see in the video was continuously hitting and pushing my seat for over 20 min. I’m in 1A and he is in 2A in back of me. I finally peeked between the seats to see what was going on but didn’t say a word and he spews out,“Oh just chill (then) FU*K OFF”. I responded by saying,“Excuse me? Did you just tell me to fu*k off?”Tricia comes over from the hallway to see what’s going on and I inform her about the man(thinking she would help me)Next thing I know, I’m being threatened to be offboarded and later, arrested. This was a 4.5hr flight of incessant abuse by the crew. The flight attendants’ relentless bullying was an agonizing experience. I was trapped. The most distressing part was not being able to stop them from talking to/harassing me while the passenger who verbally accosted me was free to do as he pleased and was fully protected. The panic attacks and flashbacks of feeling trapped and helpless on the plane and experiencing the PTSD from this aggressive crew and 2 passengers have not stopped. I have not been able to focus on anything since escaping this flight. @Westjet “Is this what you stand for?” Protect the man (who harassed me), put him on an untouchable pedestal then put me through a degrading, isolating experience for speaking up and asking for help as the victim? I will always stand up for myself (and others who may not have same voice I have) and I will not be silenced. Period. #westjet ♬ original sound - Charlet
在视频中,这名自称叫 Tricia 的空姐说,她不希望Chung再说“f**k”。而这名乘客说,她用这个词只是为了重申她身后的那名男子在最初事件中说的话。
Chung 描述说,空姐在与那名男子及其妻子说话时,看起来像是在以“友好的方式”为他们办理登机手续。她说,她无意中听到机组人员向这对夫妇道歉。
双方的争执仍在继续,WestJet 的空乘人员坚持认为 Chung “好斗且不守规矩”。
“为什么要指责我?他又踢又推我的座椅。我老老实实地回头看,没有生气,只是想看看发生了什么,他让我’滚开’,”Chung 回答说。“我觉得你的偏见显露出来了。这是对我的歧视,因为除了向你寻求帮助之外,我什么也没做。”
Chung 声称,在接下来的飞行中,WestJet 的机组人员 “不停地”将她视为威胁,并在整个飞行过程中 “孤立”和 “骚扰”她。
在 TikTok 视频的最后,Chung 收到了一份通知,说明她可能因 “辱骂”和 “录视频”而被捕。
在周二发给Daily Hive的一份电子邮件声明中,西捷航空表示,他们最近了解到一起涉及一名乘客和一名空乘人员之间的情况。声明并未直接提及 Chung 的事件。
Chung 说,她分享自己的故事是为了其他任何经历过 “微观和宏观侵犯 ”的人。
“我想让你们知道,你们并不孤单,”她在 Instagram Reel 中解释道。“我们要么保持沉默,要么觉得自己不想大惊小怪,尤其是对于亚裔和女性来说,有一种刻板印象认为我们不会为自己说话,认为我们软弱温顺,而这完全是错误的。”
但也有网友认为女子在视频中表现的过激了,质疑她拍这些是不是只是想火。“空乘几次要求她不要再用‘f’这个词,而她所做的就是又说了 10 遍。我不相信她。”
周二,Chung告诉Daily Hive,她还没有收到该航空公司的消息。“西捷航空,你们必须做得更好,”这位演员在Reel中总结道。