

After seeing record sales and prices during the pandemic, Metro Vancouver’s* housing market experienced a year of caution in 2022 due to rising borrowing costs fueled by the Bank of Canada’s ongoing battle with inflation.

在疫情期间,大温地区的房地产市场销量和价格都创下了历史新高,但由于加拿大央行(Bank of Canada)持续抗击通胀,导致借贷成本上升,大温地区的房地产市场在2022年经历了谨慎的一年。

The Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver (REBGV) reports that residential home sales in the region totalled 28,903 in 2022, a 34.3 percent decrease from the 43,999 sales recorded in 2021, and a 6.6 percent decrease from the 30,944 homes sold in 2020.


Last year’s sales total was 13.4 percent below the 10-year sales average.


“The headline story in our market in 2022 was all about inflation and the Bank of Canada’s efforts to bring inflation back to target by rapidly raising the policy rate. This is a story we expect to continue to make headlines into 2023, as inflationary pressures remain persistent across Canada,” Andrew Lis, REBGV’s director, economics and data analytics said.

REBGV经济和数据分析主管Andrew Lis表示:“2022年加拿大市场的头条新闻都是关于通胀,以及加拿大央行通过迅速提高利率政策将通胀拉回到目标水平的努力。我们预计,随着加拿大各地的通胀压力持续存在,这将在2023年继续成为头条新闻。”

Home listings on the Multiple Listing Service® (MLS®) in Metro Vancouver reached 53,865 in 2022. This is a 13.5 percent decrease compared to the 62,265 homes listed in 2021 and a 0.8 percent decrease compared to the 54,305 homes listed in 2020.


Last year’s listings total was 3.2 percent below the region’s 10-year average.


The total number of homes currently listed for sale on the MLS® system in Metro Vancouver is 7,384, a 41 percent increase compared to December 2021 (5,236) and a 19.6 percent decrease compared to November 2022 (9,179).


The MLS® Home Price Index composite benchmark price for all residential properties in Metro Vancouver is currently $1,114,300. This represents a 3.3 percent decrease over December 2021, a 1.5 percent decrease compared to November 2022, and a 9.8 percent decrease over the past six months.


“Closing out 2022, the data show that the Bank of Canada’s decisions to increase the policy rate at seven of the eight interest rate announcement dates in 2022 has translated into downward pressure on home sale activity and, to a lesser extent, home prices in Metro Vancouver,” Lis said. “While the consensus among many economists and forecasters suggests the Bank of Canada may be near the end of this tightening cycle, rates may remain elevated for longer than previously expected since the latest inflation figures aren’t showing signs of abating quickly."


“We’ll watch the 2023 spring market closely to see if buyers and sellers have adjusted to the higher borrowing-costs and are participating more actively in the market than we have seen over the last 12 months.”.”


December 2022 summary  2022年12月总结

Residential home sales in the region totalled 1,295 in December 2022, a 51.8 percent decrease from the 2,688 sales recorded in December 2021, and a 19.8 percent decrease from the 1,614 homes sold in November 2022.


Last month’s sales were 37.7 percent below the 10-year December sales average.


There were 1,206 detached, attached and apartment properties newly listed for sale on the MLS® in Metro Vancouver in December 2022. This represents a 38 percent decrease compared to the 1,945 homes listed in December 2021 and a 60.5 percent decrease compared to November 2022 when 3,055 homes were listed.


For all property types, the sales-to-active listings ratio for December 2022 is 17.5 percent. By property type, the ratio is 12.3 percent for detached homes, 19.5 percent for townhomes, and 21.7 percent for apartments.



Sales of detached homes in December 2022 reached 371, a 53.3 percent decrease from the 794 detached sales recorded in December 2021. The benchmark price for a detached home is $1,823,300. This represents a 5.1 percent decrease from December 2021, a 1.8 percent decrease compared to November 2022, and an 11.4 percent decrease over the past six months.

2022年12月的独立屋销量达到371套,比2021年12月记录的794套独立屋销售量下降50.8%。独立屋的基准价格为$1,823,300加币。这比2021年12月下降了5.1%,与2022年11月相比下降了1.8%, 比过去六个月下降了11.4%。


Sales of apartment homes reached 702 in December 2022, a 52 percent decrease compared to the 1,464 sales in December 2021. The benchmark price of an apartment home is $713,700. This represents a 1.7 percent increase from December 2021, a 0.9 percent decrease compared to November 2022, and a 6.9 percent decrease over the past six months.



Attached home sales in December 2022 totalled 222, a 48.4 percent decrease compared to the 430 sales in December 2021. The benchmark price of an attached home is $1,012,700. This represents a 0.2 percent decrease from December 2021, a 1.5 percent decrease compared to November 2022, and a 9.2 percent decrease over the past six months.
