实况解说:4月3日 BC新冠疫情最新通报


实况解说:4月3日 BC新冠疫情最新通报

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  • 游客屏蔽


  • 游客屏蔽


  • 游客屏蔽

    Recommendation: It should be stipulated that all supermarket stores that are still in operation should sanitize and disinfect all places that can be reached by customers, such as all racks and trolleys, several times a day!

  • 游客屏蔽

    你们说人们不需要带口罩,根据是什么?是因为传染病学的知识还是其他?比如是因为缺货,人们买不到? 如果是后者,我觉得是你们的失职! 难道人们在超市购物时也不需要带口罩吗?须知在商店里保持2米的社交距离有时是很困难的。 You said people do n‘t need to wear masks, what is the basis? Is it because of knowledge of infectious diseases or other? For example, is it because masks are out of stock? If it is the latter, I think it is your dereliction of duty! Do n’t people need to wear masks when shopping in the supermarket? It is sometimes difficult to maintain a social distance of 2 meters in a store.

  • 游客屏蔽

    希望BC省卫生官不要把BC省的疫情寄托在幸运上!希望把工作做在前面!希望温哥华也采取像多伦多一样的更严格的措施,尤其对那些已经确诊的居家隔离者,或需要14天居家隔离的外来者。不要等到疫情发展到像多伦多一样的严重了才采取类似多伦多的做法。 I hope that the health officials of BC Province will not put the epidemic situation of BC Province on luck! Hope to put the work ahead! It is hoped that Vancouver will also adopt stricter measures like Toronto, especially for those who have been diagnosed with home isolation, or those who just enter to BC and need 14 days of home isolation. Don't wait until the epidemic develops to become as serious as Toronto before taking a similar approach to Toronto.

  • 游客屏蔽


  • 游客屏蔽
