蔡徐坤温哥华魅力四射炸裂全场 海外公演完美收官


  温哥华当地时间5月25日晚,来自中国的全能偶像及原创唱作人蔡徐坤,在温哥华Harbor Event Center 进行了海外公演,他不仅化身酷炫DJ为歌迷打碟,更献唱了一系列原创歌曲,舞台魅力四射,现场掀起一阵阵高潮,自此2019 KUN《One》海外个人公演完美收官!

蔡徐坤温哥华魅力四射炸裂全场 海外公演完美收官

  当晚在一片欢呼声中,蔡徐坤帅气登场,以一首原创Remix 《BIGGER》开始了DJ Show。他不仅Remix很多当下最流行的歌曲例如《TAKI TAKI》和《THANK YOU NEXT》等,还有在经典中的经典-Michael Jackson的《Beat It》加入很多多元音乐元素,将现场气氛带到顶点!其中, 蔡徐坤特别地加入成龙的《国家》Remix,这也是加拿大公演特别曲目,让更多电音爱好者听到中文曲目的Remix!

蔡徐坤温哥华魅力四射炸裂全场 海外公演完美收官

  歌曲演唱部分,蔡徐坤依次演唱了自己六首原创曲目,其中包括他自己第一首原创歌曲《I wanna get love》、《Pull Up》、《Wait Wait Wait》等及新歌《Hard To Get》。现场vocal非常稳,rap,高音自由切换,举手投足尽显偶像魅力,全场IKUN歌迷更是每首都大合唱,震彻整个harbor event center!不仅歌迷,现场的其他观众都被蔡徐坤的舞台魅力深深吸引,随着音乐摆动,哼唱,再现大型圈粉现场。

蔡徐坤温哥华魅力四射炸裂全场 海外公演完美收官


  三个国家,六个城市,六场公演,年仅20岁的蔡徐坤正不断积蓄力量,用自己的音乐向世界呐喊,向世界传递着他的宣言“I’m KUN. I’m from China!”

蔡徐坤温哥华魅力四射炸裂全场 海外公演完美收官

Global C-Pop Star, Cai Xukun, blew Vancouver away with “ONE” Tour!

On May 25th, Vancouver’s very own Harbour Event Centre saw a global C-pop star, KUN(Cai XuKun), fill the venue and atmosphere with energy and crowds as part of his worldwide “ONE” tour!

Vancouver was one of those lucky cities that the “ONE” tour stopped by. For the last stop of his tour, KUN made sure to end with a bang. His show in Vancouver (and other cities) were composed of two parts – a DJ Show and his own singing performance. Talk about a real show performance! The DJ Show segments consisted of remixes of Billboard hits by other artists and his own songs. In Vancouver he remixed his own hit, “Bigger,” Michael Jackson’s “Beat It,” and a Chinese song called “Country” by Jackie Chan. 

Then the second part came with his amazing singing performances where he played six of his original songs together with fans – all of which were original songs. The energy and excitement during the entire show were truly a once in a lifetime experience! 

In April 2019, KUN’s success continuously strived for new peaks as he started his worldwide “ONE” tour, playing in cities like Los Angeles, New York, London, San Francisco, London, Toronto, and Vancouver! In fact, ticket sales for his shows were in such high demand that they sold out within mere minutes! KUN played in three countries and six cities, and blew away fans in each and every show.

 While the tour has sadly come to an end, don’t be disappointed as KUN has more new releases up his sleeve coming soon! 

Cai Xukun’s profile:

Born in 1998, Cai Xukun is a multi-talented Chinese singer, dancer, rapper, and songwriter. Cai Xukun is also well known by his stage name, KUN. Before becoming a C-pop star, KUN participated in the reality survival show IDOL PRODUCER and won the first place, where he greatly rose in popularity. While KUN’s solo career is booming, that’s not the only thing that’s booming – KUN is also the lead singer of a boy band called Nine Percent.